Source code for

Django Accounting Command to import MYOB Accounts and Transactions

Requires all child accounts for a header to be directly underneath the header,
coming before any child headers.

Creates Accounts based on MYOB data, then all Entries/Transactions.

Export Account and Journal entries in MYOB and place in root folder of project.
from datetime import date
from decimal import Decimal
import pickle
from time import strptime

from import BaseCommand
from django.db.models import Q
from django.template.defaultfilters import slugify

from accounts.models import Header, Account
from entries.models import (JournalEntry, BankReceivingEntry,
                            BankSpendingEntry, Transaction)
from events.models import Event

def _get_date(date_string):
    return date(*strptime(date_string, "%m/%d/%Y")[:3])

def _strip_cur_format(inputstr):
    inputstr = inputstr.replace('$', '').replace(',', '')
    return inputstr.replace('(', '-').replace(')', '')

def _get_or_make_account_dictionary():
    If a pickled dictionary and accounts exist, grab the dictionary, otherwise
    make one.
        with open('accounts.pickle', 'rb') as pickle_file:
            account_dictionary = pickle.load(pickle_file)
    except IOError:
        account_dictionary = _make_accounts_and_dictionary()
        with open('accounts.pickle', 'wb') as pickle_file:
            pickle.dump(account_dictionary, pickle_file)
    return account_dictionary

def _make_accounts_and_dictionary():
    Make accounts found in ACCOUNTS.TXT, return a dictionary of MYOB # -> pk.
    acct_dict = {}
    if Account.objects.count() == 0:
        with open('./ACCOUNTS.TXT') as accounts_file:
            for (counter, line) in enumerate(accounts_file):
                # 0: number, 1: name, 2: header, 3:balance
                columns = line.split('\t')
                if 'H' in columns[2]:   # is header
                    current_header = Header.objects.get(
                else:   # create an account under the current header
                    number = columns[0].replace('-', '')    # strip the `-`
                                                # between number and type
                    # check if slug or name is taken
                    name = columns[1]
                    slug = slugify(name)
                    quer = Account.objects.filter(Q(name=name) | Q(slug=slug))
                    if quer.exists():
                        name = name + str(counter)
                        slug = slugify(name)

                    acc_type = columns[0][0]
                    if (int(acc_type) in (1, 2, 3) and
                            name != "Current Year Earnings"):
                        balance = Decimal(_strip_cur_format(columns[3]))
                        balance = 0
                    if int(acc_type) in (1, 5, 6, 8):
                        balance *= -1

                    acct = Account.objects.create(parent=current_header,
                    acct_dict[number] =
        # Generate Full Numbers
        for account in Account.objects.all():
            account.full_number = account._calculate_full_number()
    return acct_dict

def _make_event_dictionary():
    Make the event dictionary from EVENTS.txt, return a dicitonary of MYOB
    job # -> pk.
    d = {}
    with open('./EVENTS.TXT') as events_file:
        for line in events_file:
            (key, val) = line.strip().split()
            d[key] = val
    return d

[docs]class Command(BaseCommand): args = '' help = """\ Will created Accounts, Entries and Transactions based on MYOB data. ACCOUNTS.TXT and JOURNAL.TXT must in your current working directory. All Headers should already be created. """
[docs] def handle(self, *args, **options): # MYOB acct number => django pk acct_dict = _get_or_make_account_dictionary() # MYOB job number => django pk event_dict = _make_event_dictionary() # Now create Entries and Transactions with open('./JOURNAL.TXT') as f: last_entry = None last_type = None for (counter, line) in enumerate(f): if line == '\r\n': # blank lines mean new entries last_entry = None last_type = None else: columns = line.split('\t') # 0: number, 1: date # 2: memo, 3: myob acct num # 4: debit, 5: credit # 6: job # Derive Event and Balance Delta if len(columns) >= 7 and columns[6] != '\r\n': # Event present myob_event = columns[6].strip() event_id = event_dict[myob_event] event = Event.objects.get(id=event_id) else: event = None if columns[2].lower() == 'void': balance_delta = Decimal(0) elif len(columns) >= 5 and columns[4] == '': # Delta is a credit if columns[5] != '': balance_delta = Decimal( _strip_cur_format(columns[5])) else: balance_delta = 0 elif columns[4] != '': # Delta is debit balance_delta = -1 * Decimal( _strip_cur_format(columns[4])) else: balance_delta = 0 date = _get_date(columns[1]) if columns[2] == '': columns[2] = date else: columns[2] = columns[2][:60] if not last_entry: # create new entry entry_num = columns[0] # first 2 chars will be GJ for gen # CR for bank rec, ## or 2 ints for bank spend if entry_num[:2] == 'GJ': # gen entry last_type = 'GJ' last_entry = JournalEntry.objects.create( date=date, memo=columns[2]) Transaction.objects.create( journal_entry=last_entry, balance_delta=balance_delta, event=event, account_id=acct_dict[columns[3]]) elif entry_num[:2] == 'CR': # bank receive last_type = 'CR' main_transaction = Transaction.objects.create( account_id=acct_dict[columns[3]], balance_delta=balance_delta) last_entry = BankReceivingEntry.objects.create( main_transaction=main_transaction, memo=columns[2], date=date, payor=str(columns[2])[:50]) else: # bank spend last_type = 'CD' ach = entry_num[:2] == '##' # if ach payment # first two chars is `##` if ach: main_transaction = ( Transaction.objects.create( account_id=acct_dict[columns[3]], balance_delta=balance_delta)) last_entry = ( BankSpendingEntry.objects.create( main_transaction=main_transaction, memo=columns[2], date=date, ach_payment=True)) else: account_id = acct_dict[columns[3]] if balance_delta == 0: print("Skip void check #{0} for account " "#{1} with memo {2} on {3}".format( entry_num, acct_dict[columns[3]], columns[2], date)) continue else: main_transaction = ( Transaction.objects.create( account_id=acct_dict[columns[3]], balance_delta=balance_delta)) last_entry = ( BankSpendingEntry.objects.create( main_transaction=main_transaction, memo=columns[2], date=date, check_number=entry_num)) else: # entry already created, just add a Transaction if last_type == 'GJ': Transaction.objects.create( journal_entry=last_entry, balance_delta=balance_delta, event=event, account_id=acct_dict[columns[3]]) elif last_type == 'CR': Transaction.objects.create( bankreceive_entry=last_entry, balance_delta=balance_delta, event=event, account_id=acct_dict[columns[3]]) else: Transaction.objects.create( bankspend_entry=last_entry, balance_delta=balance_delta, event=event, account_id=acct_dict[columns[3]])