Development Standards and Contributing

Bug Reports and Feature Requests

Bugs and New Features should be reported on either the internal Redmine bug tracker or on the public Github Page.

All tickets should have descriptive titles.

Bugs should contain at least three sections: Steps to Reproduce, Results, and Expected Results. Accurate and Concise reproduction steps reduces the amount of time spent reproducing/debugging and increases the proportion of time spent fixing the bug.

An example of an ideal bug report:

Title: Account's Reconciled Balance Changes After Creating 2nd Fiscal Year

Steps to Reproduce:
1. Create Fiscal Year
2. Reconcile Account w/ Statement in Current Fiscal Year
3. Create New Fiscal Year
4. Visit Reconcile Page for Account

Reconciled Balance is different from Statement Balance entered in step 2

Expected Result:
Reconciled Balance should be same as last reconciled Statement Balance

Bug is caused by accounts/ on commit 1d7762a0

Currently Sums all reconciled Transactions to get the reconciled balance.
Instead, create a "Reconciled Balance" field on the Account model to store
the Reconciled Balance after reconciling the Account.

Your bug report does not need to be anywhere close to this ideal, but the more that you can incorporate, the faster a fix can be developed. The most important parts to include are accurate and minimal steps to reproduce the bug and the expected and actual results.

Features can have simple descriptions, but if Requests for Information from developers are not replied to, then Feature Specifications will be determined by the developer. To expedite development of a feature, it is recommended to submit a Specification with the Ticket.

For example, an ideal feature request for a new Report would include:

  • The name of the report
  • How to reach the new report
  • What the report should display(in all possible states)
  • Optionally, how to calculate that information
  • Any page interactions possible(changing the date range, sorting by column, etc.)
  • Any new ways to exit the page(links or forms)
  • Any behind the scenes changes(i.e. database changes)

A Screen Description and wireframe will be created by the requester and the task assignee.

Examples of complete specifications can be found in the Design Specifications.

Development Quickstart

First, start by cloning the source code repository:

$ git clone git@aphrodite.acorn:~/Acorn-Accounting.git
$ cd Acorn-Accounting

Create a new Python Virtual Environment:

$ mkvirtualenv AcornAccounting -p python2

Install the development prerequisites:

$ pip install -r requirements/local.txt

Setup the database and migrations, note that you must export a DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE or specify the settings module:

$ cd acornaccounting/
$ ./ syncdb --settings=accounting.settings.local
$ ./ migrate --settings=accounting.settings.local

Run the development server:

$ ./ runserver localhost:8000 --settings=accounting.settings.local

You should now have a working copy of the application on your workstation, accessible at http://localhost:8000/.

To allow the application to be served to other computers, bind the server to all available IP addresses instead of localhost:

$ ./ runserver --settings=accounting.settings.local

Code Conventions

The PEP 8 is our baseline for coding style.

In short we use:

  • 4 spaces per indentation
  • 79 characters per line
  • One import per line, grouped in the following order: standard library, 3rd party imports, local application imports
  • One statement per line
  • Docstrings for all public modules, functions, classes and methods.

The following naming conventions should be followed:

  • Class names use CapitalWords
  • Function names are lowercase, with words separated by underscores
  • Use self and cls for first argument to instance and class methods, respectively.
  • Non-public methods and variables should be prefixed with an underscore
  • Constants in all uppercase.

Code should attempt to be idiomatic/pythonic, for example:

  • Use list, dict and set comprehensions.
  • Test existence in a sequence with in.
  • Use enumerate instead of loop counters.
  • Use with ... as ... for context managers.
  • Use is to compare against None instead of ==.
  • Use parenthesis instead of backslashes for line continuations.

For more information and full coverage of conventions, please read PEP 8, PEP 257, PEP 20 and the Django Coding Style Documentation.

There are tools available to help assess compliance to these conventions, such as pep8 and pylint. Both of these tools are installed via pip:

$ pip install pep8
$ pip install pylint

You may then run pep8 on files to determine their compliance:

$ pep8 accounts/
accounts/ E501 line too long (116 > 79 characters)

Pylint may be used to show compliance to best practices and give your code a generalized score. It is recommended to run pylint with some files and warnings ignored, to reduce the amount of clutter and false positives:

$ pylint,migrations,,   \
    -d R0904,R0903,W0232,E1101,E1103,W0612,W0613,R0924

Version Control

AcornAccounting uses Git as a Version Control System.


We have 2 long-term public branches:

  • master - The latest stable release. This branch should be tagged with a new version number every time a branch is merged into it.
  • develop - The release currently in development. New features and releases originate from this branch.

There are also multiple short-term supporting branches:

  • hotfix - Used for immediate changes that need to be pushed out into production. These branches should originate from master and be merged into master and either the develop or current release if one exists.
  • feature - Used for individual features and bug fixes, these branches are usually kept on local development machines. These should originate from and be merged back into develop.
  • release - Used for preparing the develop branch for merging into master, creating a new release. These branches should originate from develop and be merged back into develop and master. Releases should be created when all new features for a version are finished. Any new commits should only contain code refactoring and bug fixes.

This model is adapted from A Successful Git Branching Model, however we use a linear history instead of a branching history, so the --no-ff option should be omitted during merges.

Commit Messages

Commit messages should follow the format described in A Note About Git Commit Messages. They should generally follow the following format:

[TaskID#] Short 50 Char or Less Title

Explanatory text or summary describing the feature or bugfix, capped
at 72 characters per line, written in the imperative.

Bullet points are also allowed:

* Add method `foo` to `Bar` class
* Modify `Base` class to be abstract
* Remove `foobaz` method from `Bar` class
* Refactor `bazfoo` function

Refs/Closes/Fixes #TaskID: Task Name in Bug Tracker

For example:

[#142] Add Account History

* Add `HistoricalAccount` model to store archived Account information
* Add `show_account_history` view to display Historical Accounts by
* Add Account History template and Sidebar link to Account History Page

Closes #142: Add Historical Account Record


The general workflow we follow is based on A Git Workflow for Agile Teams.

Work on a new task begins by branching from develop. Feature branch names should be in the format of tasknumber-short-title-or-name:

$ git checkout -b 142-add-account-history develop

Commits on this branch should be early and often. These commit messages are not permanent and do not have to use the format specified above.

You should fetch and rebase against the upstream repository often in order to prevent merging conflicts:

$ git fetch origin develop
$ git rebase origin/develop

When work is done on the task, you should rebase and squash your many commits into a single commit:

$ git rebase -i origin/develop

You may then choose which commits to reorder, squash or reword.


Only rebase commits that have not been published to public branches. Otherwise problems will arise in every other user’s local repository. NEVER rewrite public branches and NEVER force a push unless you know EXACTLY what you are doing, and have preferably backed up the upstream repository.

Afterwards, merge your changes into develop and push your changes to the upstream repository:

$ git checkout develop
$ git merge 142-add-account-history
$ git push origin develop

Preparing a Release

A Release should be forked off of develop into its own branch once all associated features are completed. A release branch should contain only bugfixes and version bumps.

  1. Fork the release branch off of the develop branch:

    $ git checkout -b release-1.2.0 develop
  2. Branch, Fix and Merge any existing bugs.

  3. Bump the version number and year in and docs/source/

  4. Commit the version changes:

    $ git commit -a -m "Prepare v1.2.0 Release"
  5. Create a new annotated and signed Tag for the commit:

    $ git tag -s -a v1.2.0

    The annotation should contain the release’s name and number, and optionally a short description:

    Version 1.2.0 Release - Trip Entry Form
    This release adds a Trip Entry form for Communards and a Trip Approving
    form for Accountants.
  6. Merge the branch into the master branch and push it upstream:

    $ git checkout master
    $ git merge release-1.2.0
    $ git push origin master
    $ git push --tags origin master
  7. Make sure to merge back into the develop branch as well:

    $ git checkout develop
    $ git merge release-1.2.0
    $ git push origin develop
  8. You can then remove the release branch from your local repository:

    $ git branch -d release-1.2.0

Version Numbers

Each release will be tagged with a version number, using the MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH Semantic Versioning format and specifications.

These version numbers indicate the changes to the public API.

The PATCH number will be incremented if a new version contains only backwards-compatible bug fixes.

The MINOR number is incremented for new, backwards-compatible functionality and marking any new deprecations. Increasing the MINOR number should reset the PATCH number to 0.

The MAJOR number is incremented if ANY backwards incompatible changes are introduced to the public API. Increasing the MAJOR number should reset the MINOR and PATCH numbers to 0.

Pre-release versions may have additional data appended to the version, e.g. 1.0.1-alpha or 2.1.0-rc.

The first stable release will begin at version 1.0.0, any versions before this are for initial development and should be not be considered stable.

For more information, please review the Semantic Versioning Specification.


AcornAccounting is developed using Test-Driven Development, meaning tests are written before any application code.

Features should be written incrementally alongside tests that define the feature’s requirements.

When fixing bugs, a test proving the bug’s existence should first be written. This test should fail initially and pass when the fix is implemented. This ensures that the bug does not reappear in future versions.

All tests must pass before any branch is merged into the public branches master and develop.

Our goal is to achieve 100% test coverage. Any code that does not have tests written for it should be considered bugged.

Test coverage will be monitored, and no commits that reduce the Test Coverage will be merged into the main branches. The pytest and coverage packages are recommended for monitoring test coverage. These packages are included in the test requirements file, which can be installed by running:

$ pip install -r requirements/test.txt

You can then check a branch’s Test Coverage by running:

$ cd acornaccunting
$ py.test

To clear the coverage history, remove the .coverage file:

$ rm .coverage
$ py.test

You can generate an html report of the coverage by adding the --cov-report html flag:

$ py.test --cov-report html

You can also specify a single file to run:

$ py.test accounts/

You can re-run tests when files have changed:

$ ptw
$ ptw accounts
$ ptw entries


Documentation for AcornAccounting is written in reStructuredText and created using the Sphinx Documentation Generator. Sphinx’s autodoc module is used to create the API specifications of the application by scraping docstrings(PEP 257).

Each class, function, method and global should have an accurate docstring for Sphinx to use.

Each feature or bug fix should include all applicable documentation changes such as changes in Screen Descriptions or the API.

To build the Documentation, install the prerequisites then run the make command to generate either html or pdf output:

$ pip install -r requirements/local.txt
$ cd docs/
$ make html; make latexpdf

The output files will be located in the docs/build directory.


Technical Specifications and Documentation should exist in the docstrings(PEP 257) of the respective class, method, function, etc.

Design Specifications will be written for every usecase and screen in the application. Wireframes will be created for each screen. And each screen’s Entry, Initial, Intermediate and Final Conditions should be clearly defined(see Screens and Conditions).

For Usecases and Complex Screens, UML models such as Activity Diagrams will be created using plantUML and Sphinx.

Design Specifications written for new features should include all the Screen Conditions.