Source code for accounts.models

import calendar
import datetime
from decimal import Decimal

from caching.base import CachingManager, CachingMixin, cached_method
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
from django.db import models
from mptt.models import MPTTModel, TreeForeignKey, TreeManager

from entries.models import Transaction

from .managers import AccountManager

[docs]class BaseAccountModel(MPTTModel, CachingMixin): """Abstract class storing common attributes of Headers and Accounts. Subclasses must implement the ``_calculate_full_number`` and ``_get_change_tree`` methods. """ # TODO: Move to ASSET = 1 LIABILITY = 2 EQUITY = 3 INCOME = 4 COST_OF_SALES = 5 EXPENSE = 6 OTHER_INCOME = 7 OTHER_EXPENSE = 8 TYPE_CHOICES = ( (ASSET, 'Asset'), (LIABILITY, 'Liability'), (EQUITY, 'Equity'), (INCOME, 'Income'), (COST_OF_SALES, 'Cost of Sales'), (EXPENSE, 'Expense'), (OTHER_INCOME, 'Other Income'), (OTHER_EXPENSE, 'Other Expense') ) name = models.CharField(max_length=50, unique=True) type = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField(choices=TYPE_CHOICES, blank=True) description = models.TextField(blank=True) slug = models.SlugField(help_text="Unique identifier used in URL naming", unique=True) full_number = models.CharField(max_length=7, blank=True, null=True, editable=False) class Meta: abstract = True ordering = ['name'] class MPTTMeta: order_insertion_by = ['name'] def flip_balance(self): if self.type in (self.ASSET, self.EXPENSE, self.COST_OF_SALES, self.OTHER_EXPENSE): return True else: return False
[docs] def clean(self): """Set the ``type`` and calculate the ``full_number``. The ``type`` attribute will be inherited from the ``parent`` and the ``full_number`` will be calculated if the object has an ``id``. """ if self.parent: self.type = self.parent.type if self.full_number = self._calculate_full_number() return super(BaseAccountModel, self).clean()
[docs] def delete(self, *args, **kwargs): """Renumber Headers or Accounts when deleted.""" items_to_change = self._get_change_tree() if self in items_to_change: items_to_change.remove(self) super(BaseAccountModel, self).delete(*args, **kwargs) self._resave_items(items_to_change)
[docs] def save(self, *args, **kwargs): """Resave Headers or Accounts if the ``parent`` has changed. This method first checks to see if the ``parent`` attribute has changed. If so, it will cause the object and all related objects(the ``change_tree``) to be saved once the pending changes have been saved. """ tree_has_changed = (self._has_field_changed("parent") or self._has_field_changed("name")) if tree_has_changed and db_copy = self.__class__.objects.get( items_to_change = db_copy._get_change_tree() else: items_to_change = [] self.full_clean() super(BaseAccountModel, self).save(*args, **kwargs) self.__class__.objects.rebuild() if tree_has_changed: items_to_change += self._get_change_tree() self._resave_items(items_to_change)
[docs] def get_full_number(self): """Retrieve the Full Number from the model field.""" if self.full_number is not None: return self.full_number else: try: self.full_number = self._calculate_full_number() return self.full_number except ValueError: return None
get_full_number.short_description = "Number" def _has_field_changed(self, field): """Determine if this instance's field has changed.""" if database_copy = self.__class__.objects.get( has_changed = getattr(database_copy, field) != getattr(self, field) else: has_changed = True return has_changed def _resave_items(self, items): """Save each item.""" if self in items: items.remove(self) for item in items:
[docs]class Account(BaseAccountModel): """Holds information on Accounts.""" balance = models.DecimalField(help_text="The balance is the credit/debit " "balance, not the value balance.", max_digits=19, default="0.00", verbose_name="Current Balance", decimal_places=4) reconciled_balance = models.DecimalField( help_text="The Account's currently reconciled balance.", max_digits=19, decimal_places=4, default="0.00") parent = models.ForeignKey(Header) active = models.BooleanField(default=True) bank = models.BooleanField(default=False, help_text="Mark as a Bank.") last_reconciled = models.DateField(null=True, blank=True) objects = AccountManager() def __unicode__(self): return def get_absolute_url(self): return reverse('accounts.views.show_account_detail', args=[str(self.slug)]) def account_number(self): siblings = self.get_siblings(include_self=True).order_by('name') if self in siblings: number = list(siblings).index(self) + 1 else: siblings = list(siblings) + [self] number = sorted(siblings, key=lambda x: + 1 return number # TODO: get_value_balance()?
[docs] def get_balance(self): """ Returns the value balance for the :class:`Account`. The :class:`Account` model stores the credit/debit balance in the :attr:`balance` field. This method will convert the credit/debit balance to a value balance for :attr:`Account.type` where a debit increases the :class:`Account's<Account>` value, instead of decreasing it(the normal action). The ``Current Year Earnings`` :class:`Account` does not source it's :attr:`~Account.balance` field but instead uses the Sum of all :class:`Accounts<Account>` with :attr:`~BaseAccountModel.type` of 4 to 8. .. seealso:: :meth:`~BaseAccountModel.flip_balance` method for more information on value balances. :returns: The Account's current value balance. :rtype: :class:`decimal.Decimal` """ if == "Current Year Earnings": balance = Account.objects.filter(type__in=range(4, 9)).aggregate( models.Sum('balance')).get('balance__sum') or Decimal(0) else: balance = self.balance if self.flip_balance(): balance *= -1 return balance
[docs] def get_balance_by_date(self, date): """ Calculate the :class:`Account's<Account>` balance at the end of a specific ``date``. For the ``Current Year Earnings`` :class:`Account`, :class:`Transactions<Transaction>` from all :class:`Accounts<Account>` with :attr:`~BaseAccountModel.type` of 4 to 8 will be used. :param date: The day whose balance should be returned. :type date: :returns: The Account's balance at the end of the specified date. :rtype: :class:`decimal.Decimal` """ if == "Current Year Earnings": transaction_set = Transaction.objects.filter( account__type__in=range(4, 9)) else: transaction_set = self.transaction_set past_transactions = transaction_set.filter(date__lte=date).reverse() if == "Current Year Earnings": return (past_transactions.aggregate( models.Sum('balance_delta'))['balance_delta__sum'] or Decimal(0)) elif past_transactions: return past_transactions[0].get_final_account_balance() else: transaction_sum = (transaction_set.all().aggregate( models.Sum('balance_delta'))['balance_delta__sum'] or Decimal(0)) balance = self.balance - transaction_sum if self.flip_balance(): balance *= -1 return balance
[docs] def get_balance_change_by_month(self, date): """ Calculates the :class:`Accounts<Account>` net change in balance for the month of the specified ``date``. For the ``Current Year Earnings`` :class:`Account`, :class:`Transactions<Transaction>` from all :class:`Accounts<Account>` with :attr:`~BaseAccountModel.type` of 4 to 8 will be used. :param date: The month to calculate the net change for. :type date: :returns: The Account's net balance change for the specified month. :rtype: :class:`decimal.Decimal` """ days_in_month = calendar.monthrange(date.year, date.month)[1] first_day =, date.month, 1) last_day =, date.month, days_in_month) query = models.Q(date__gte=first_day, date__lte=last_day) if == "Current Year Earnings": query.add(models.Q(account__type__in=range(4, 9)), models.Q.AND) else: query.add(models.Q(, models.Q.AND) (_, _, net_change) = Transaction.objects.filter(query).get_totals( net_change=True) if self.flip_balance(): net_change *= -1 return net_change
def _calculate_full_number(self): """Use parent and sibling positions to generate full account number.""" full_number = (self.parent.get_full_number()[:-3] + "{0:03d}".format(self.account_number())) return full_number def _get_change_tree(self): """Get this instance's siblings.""" return list(Account.objects.filter(parent=self.parent))
[docs]class HistoricalAccount(CachingMixin, models.Model): """ A model for Archiving Historical Account Data. It stores an :class:`Account's<Account>` balance (for Assets, Liabilities and Equities) or net_change (for Incomes and Expenses) for a certain month in a previous :class:`Fiscal Years`. Hard data is stored in additon to a link back to the originating :class:`Account`. .. note:: This model is automatically generated by the :func:`~fiscalyears.views.add_fiscal_year` view. .. note:: This model does not inherit from the :class:`BaseAccountModel` because it has no ``parent`` attribute and cannot inherit from :class:`MPTTModel`. .. attribute:: account The :class:`Account` this HistoricalAccount was generated for. The HistoricalAccount will remain even if the :class:`Account` is deleted. .. attribute:: number The Account number, formatted as `type-num` must be unique with respect to date. .. attribute:: name The Account's name, must be unique with respect to date. .. attribute:: type The Account's type, chosen from :attr:`~BaseAccountModel.TYPE_CHOICES`. .. attribute:: amount The end-of-month balance for :class:`HistoricalAccounts<HistoricalAccount>` with :attr:`type` 1-3, and the net change for :class:`HistoricalAccounts<HistoricalAccount>` with :attr:`type` 4-8. This field represents the credit/debit amount not the value amount. To retrieve the value amount for a :class:`HistoricalAccount` use the :meth:`get_amount` method. .. attribute:: date A :class:`` object representing the 1st day of the Month and Year the archive was created. """ account = models.ForeignKey(Account, on_delete=models.SET_NULL, blank=True, null=True) number = models.CharField(max_length=7) name = models.CharField(max_length=50) type = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField( choices=BaseAccountModel.TYPE_CHOICES) amount = models.DecimalField(max_digits=19, decimal_places=4) date = models.DateField() objects = CachingManager() class Meta: ordering = ['date', 'number'] get_latest_by = ('date', ) unique_together = ('date', 'name') def __unicode__(self): return '{0}/{1} - {2}'.format(,, @cached_method
[docs] def get_absolute_url(self): """ The default URL for a HistoricalAccount points to the listing for the :attr:`date's<date>` ``month`` and ``year``. """ return reverse('accounts.views.show_account_history', kwargs={'month':, 'year':})
[docs] def get_amount(self): """ Calculates the flipped/value ``balance`` or ``net_change`` for Asset, Cost of Sales, Expense and Other Expense :class:`HistoricalAccounts<HistoricalAccount>`. The :attr:`amount` field for :class:`HistoricalAccounts<HistoricalAccount>` represents the credit/debit amounts but debits for Asset, Cost of Sales, Expense and Other Expenses represent a positive value instead of a negative value. This function returns the value amount of these accounts instead of the debit/credit amount. E.g., a negative(debit) amount will be returned as a positive value amount. If the :class:`HistoricalAccount` is not one of these types, the :class:`HistoricalAccounts<HistoricalAccount>` normal :attr:`amount` will be returned. :returns: The value :attr:`amount` for the :class:`HistoricalAccount` :rtype: :class:`decimal.Decimal` """ if self.flip_balance(): return self.amount * -1 else: return self.amount
[docs] def flip_balance(self): """ Determines whether the :attr:`HistoricalAccount.amount` should be flipped based on the :attr:`HistoricalAccount.type`. For example, debits(negative :attr:`HistoricalAccount.amount`) increase the value of Assets, Expenses, Cost of Sales and Other Expenses, while decreasing the value of all other :attr:`Account Types<BaseAccountModel.TYPE_CHOICES>`. In essence, this method will return ``True`` if the credit/debit amount needs to be negated(multiplied by -1) to display the value amount, and ``False`` if the credit/debit amount is the displayable value amount. """ if self.type in (BaseAccountModel.ASSET, BaseAccountModel.EXPENSE, BaseAccountModel.COST_OF_SALES, BaseAccountModel.OTHER_EXPENSE): return True else: return False