Source code for entries.forms

from decimal import Decimal

from django import forms
from django.forms.formsets import formset_factory
from django.forms.models import inlineformset_factory
from parsley.decorators import parsleyfy

from accounts.models import Account
from core.core import today_in_american_format, remove_trailing_zeroes
from core.forms import RequiredBaseFormSet, RequiredBaseInlineFormSet
from events.models import Event     # Needed for Sphinx
from fiscalyears.fiscalyears import get_start_of_current_fiscal_year

from .models import (Transaction, JournalEntry, BankSpendingEntry,

[docs]class BaseEntryForm(object): """An abstraction of General and Bank Entries.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Initialize the date to today and put it in MM/DD/YYYY format.""" super(BaseEntryForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._initialize_date() def _initialize_date(self): """Default to today, formatted as MM/DD/YYYY.""" if hasattr(self, 'instance') and formatted_date ='%m/%d/%Y') self.initial['date'] = formatted_date else: self.initial['date'] = today_in_american_format()
[docs] def clean_date(self): """The date must be in the Current :class:`FiscalYear`.""" input_date = self.cleaned_data.get('date') fiscal_year_start = get_start_of_current_fiscal_year() if fiscal_year_start is not None and input_date < fiscal_year_start: raise forms.ValidationError("The date must be in the current " "Fiscal Year.") return input_date
[docs]class JournalEntryForm(BaseEntryForm, forms.ModelForm): """A form for :class:`JournalEntries<.models.JournalEntry>`.""" class Meta: model = JournalEntry widgets = { 'date': forms.DateInput(attrs={'data-americandate': True, 'class': 'form-control'}), 'comments': forms.Textarea(attrs={'rows': 2, 'cols': 50, 'class': 'form-control'}), 'memo': forms.TextInput(attrs={'class': 'form-control'}) }
[docs]class TransactionForm(forms.ModelForm): """A form for :class:`Transactions<.models.Transaction>`. It splits the :attr:`~.models.Transaction.balance_delta` field into a ``credit`` and ``debit`` field. A debit results in a negative :attr:`~.models.Transaction.balance_delta` and a credit results in a positive :attr:`~.models.Transaction.balance_delta`. """ credit = forms.DecimalField( required=False, min_value=Decimal("0.01"), widget=forms.TextInput( attrs={'size': 10, 'maxlength': 10, 'class': 'credit form-control enter-mod'}) ) debit = forms.DecimalField( required=False, min_value=Decimal("0.01"), widget=forms.TextInput( attrs={'size': 10, 'maxlength': 10, 'class': 'debit form-control enter-mod'}) ) class Meta: model = Transaction fields = ('account', 'detail', 'debit', 'credit', 'event',) widgets = { 'account': forms.Select( attrs={'class': 'account account-autocomplete ' 'form-control enter-mod'}), 'detail': forms.TextInput( attrs={'class': 'form-control enter-mod'}), 'event': forms.Select( attrs={'class': 'form-control enter-mod'}), } def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(TransactionForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) _set_minimal_queryset_for_account(self, 'account') self._assign_balance_delta_to_debit_or_credit_field()
[docs] def clean(self): """ Make sure only a credit or debit is entered and set it to the balance_delta. """ super(TransactionForm, self).clean() if any(self.errors) or self.cleaned_data.get('DELETE', False): return self.cleaned_data cleaned_data = self.cleaned_data debit = cleaned_data.get('debit') credit = cleaned_data.get('credit') if credit and debit: raise forms.ValidationError("Please enter only one debit or " "credit per line.") elif credit: cleaned_data['balance_delta'] = credit elif debit: cleaned_data['balance_delta'] = -1 * debit else: raise forms.ValidationError("Either a credit or a debit is " "required") return cleaned_data
def _assign_balance_delta_to_debit_or_credit_field(self): """ If the form's :class:`~.models.Transaction` instance has a `balance_delta` set either the `credit` or `debit` field to it's absolute value, depending on if the balance_delta is positive or negative, respectively. """ balance_delta = self.instance.balance_delta if balance_delta is not None: if balance_delta < 0: self.initial['debit'] = remove_trailing_zeroes( abs(balance_delta) ) else: self.initial['credit'] = remove_trailing_zeroes(balance_delta)
def _set_minimal_queryset_for_account(form, field_name): """Show Only a Pre-Existing Selection for a ModelChoiceField. This replaces the `queryset` of the `field_name` on the `form` with a queryset containing only it's instance's Account or an empty queryset - depending on if `form` has an instance or not. This is used to limit the size of HTML when the options for `field_name` are loaded by AJAX. """ if form.is_bound: return if hasattr(form, 'instance') and form.instance.account_id is not None: form.fields[field_name].queryset = Account.objects.filter( id=form.instance.account_id) else: form.fields[field_name].queryset = Account.objects.none()
[docs]class BaseTransactionFormSet(RequiredBaseInlineFormSet): """ A FormSet that validates that a set of :class:`Transactions<.models.Transaction>` is balanced. """
[docs] def clean(self): """Checks that debits and credits balance out.""" super(BaseTransactionFormSet, self).clean() if any(self.errors): return balance = Decimal(0) for form in self.forms: if form.cleaned_data.get('DELETE'): continue balance += form.cleaned_data.get('balance_delta', 0) if balance != 0: raise forms.ValidationError("The total amount of Credits must be " "equal to the total amount of Debits.") return #: A FormSet for :class:`Transactions<.models.Transaction>`, derived from the #: :class:`BaseTransactionFormSet`.
TransactionFormSet = inlineformset_factory(JournalEntry, Transaction, extra=20, form=TransactionForm, formset=BaseTransactionFormSet, can_delete=True) @parsleyfy
[docs]class TransferForm(BaseEntryForm, forms.Form): """ A form for Transfer Entries, a specialized :class:`~.models.JournalEntry`. Transfer Entries move a discrete :attr:`amount` between two :class:`Accounts<accounts.models.Account>`. The :attr:`source` is debited while the :attr:`destination` is credited. .. attribute:: source The :class:`~accounts.models.Account` to remove the amount from. .. attribute:: destination The :class:`~accounts.models.Account` to move the amount to. .. attribute:: amount The amount of currency to transfer between :class:`Accounts<accounts.models.Account>`. .. attribute:: detail Any additional details about the charge. """ source = forms.ModelChoiceField('name'), widget=forms.Select(attrs={'class': 'source account-autocomplete ' 'form-control enter-mod'}) ) destination = forms.ModelChoiceField('name'), widget=forms.Select( attrs={'class': 'destination account-autocomplete ' 'form-control enter-mod'}) ) # TODO: This is repeated in BaseBankForm & AccountReconcileForm and ugly amount = forms.DecimalField( max_digits=19, decimal_places=4, min_value=Decimal("0.01"), widget=forms.TextInput( attrs={'size': 10, 'maxlength': 10, 'class': 'amount form-control enter-mod'}) ) detail = forms.CharField( max_length=50, required=False, widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={'class': 'form-control enter-mod'}) ) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(TransferForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) _set_minimal_queryset_for_account(self, 'source') _set_minimal_queryset_for_account(self, 'destination')
[docs] def clean(self): """ Ensure that the source and destination :class:`Accounts<accounts.models.Account>` are not the same. """ super(TransferForm, self).clean() if any(self.errors): return self.cleaned_data cleaned_data = self.cleaned_data if cleaned_data.get('source') == cleaned_data.get('destination'): raise forms.ValidationError("The Source and Destination Accounts " "must be different.") return cleaned_data #: A FormSet for Transfer Transactions, derived from the :class:`TransferForm`.
TransferFormSet = formset_factory(TransferForm, extra=20, can_delete=True, formset=RequiredBaseFormSet)
[docs]class BaseBankForm(BaseEntryForm, forms.ModelForm): """ A Base form for common elements between the :class:`BankSpendingForm` and the :class:`BankReceivingForm`. The ``account`` and ``amount`` fields be used to create the Entries ``main_transaction``. .. attribute:: account The Bank :class:`~accounts.models.Account` the Entry is for. .. attribute:: amount The total amount this Entry represents. """ account = forms.ModelChoiceField( queryset=Account.objects.get_banks(), widget=forms.Select(attrs={'class': 'form-control'}) ) amount = forms.DecimalField( min_value=Decimal(".01"), widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={'size': 10, 'maxlength': 10, 'id': 'entry_amount', 'class': 'form-control'}) ) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Pull the initial ``account`` and ``amount`` fields from the ``main_transaction``. """ super(BaseBankForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._initialize_account_and_amount_from_main_transaction() def _initialize_account_and_amount_from_main_transaction(self): """Use the main_transaction's account and amount.""" if hasattr(self.instance, 'main_transaction'): main_transaction = self.instance.main_transaction if main_transaction is not None: self.initial['account'] = main_transaction.account self.initial['amount'] = remove_trailing_zeroes( abs(main_transaction.balance_delta) )
[docs] def clean(self): """ Cleaning the :class:`BaseBankForm` will modify or create the :attr:`BankSpendingEntry.main_transaction` or :attr:`BankReceivingEntry.main_transaction`. The ``main_transaction`` will not be saved until this form's save method is called. """ super(BaseBankForm, self).clean() if any(self.errors): return self.cleaned_data cleaned_data = self._update_or_add_main_transaction(self.cleaned_data) return cleaned_data
def _update_or_add_main_transaction(self, cleaned_data): """ Update the form's main_transaction, instantiating one if it does not exist. """ account = cleaned_data.get('account') amount = cleaned_data.get('amount') memo = cleaned_data.get('memo') date = cleaned_data.get('date') try: self.instance.main_transaction.account = account self.instance.main_transaction.balance_delta = amount self.instance.main_transaction.detail = memo = date cleaned_data['main_transaction'] = self.instance.main_transaction except Transaction.DoesNotExist: main_transaction = Transaction(account=account, detail=memo, balance_delta=amount, date=date) cleaned_data['main_transaction'] = main_transaction self.instance.main_transaction = main_transaction return cleaned_data
[docs] def save(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Saving the :class:`BaseBankFormForm` will save both the :class:`BaseBankForm` and the :attr:`BankSpendingEntry.main_transaction` or :attr:`BankReceivingEntry.main_transaction`. """ self.cleaned_data.get('main_transaction').save() self.instance.main_transaction = self.cleaned_data['main_transaction'] super(BaseBankForm, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]class BankSpendingForm(BaseBankForm): """A form for the :class:`~.models.BankSpendingEntry` model.""" class Meta: model = BankSpendingEntry fields = ('account', 'date', 'ach_payment', 'check_number', 'payee', 'memo', 'amount', 'comments') # TODO: Move to basebankform? widgets = { 'date': forms.DateInput(attrs={'data-americandate': True, 'class': 'form-control'}), 'comments': forms.Textarea(attrs={'rows': 2, 'cols': 50, 'class': 'form-control'}), 'ach_payment': forms.CheckboxInput(attrs={'class': 'form-control'}), 'check_number': forms.TextInput(attrs={'class': 'form-control'}), 'memo': forms.TextInput(attrs={'class': 'form-control'}), 'payee': forms.TextInput(attrs={'class': 'form-control'}), }
[docs]class BankReceivingForm(BaseBankForm): """A form for the :class:`~.models.BankReceivingEntry` model.""" class Meta: model = BankReceivingEntry fields = ('account', 'date', 'payor', 'amount', 'memo', 'comments') widgets = { 'date': forms.DateInput(attrs={'data-americandate': True, 'class': 'form-control'}), 'comments': forms.Textarea(attrs={'rows': 2, 'cols': 50, 'class': 'form-control'}), 'memo': forms.TextInput(attrs={'class': 'form-control'}), 'payor': forms.TextInput(attrs={'class': 'form-control'}), }
[docs] def clean_amount(self): """Negate the ``amount`` field. :class:`BankReceivingEntries<.models.BankReceivingEntry>` debit their bank :class:`~accounts.models.Account>` so a ``positive`` amount should become a ``debit`` and vice versa. """ amount = self.cleaned_data.get('amount') return -1 * amount
[docs]class BankTransactionForm(forms.ModelForm): """A form for entry of Bank :class:`Transactions<.models.Transaction>`. Bank :class:`Transactions<.models.Transaction>` do not have a ``credit`` and ``debit`` field, instead they have only an ``amount``. Whether this amount is a ``credit`` or ``debit`` depends on if the :class:`~.models.Transaction` is related to a :class:`.models.BankSpendingEntry` or a :class:`.models.BankSpendingEntry`. """ amount = forms.DecimalField( max_digits=19, decimal_places=4, min_value=Decimal("0.01"), widget=forms.TextInput( attrs={'size': 10, 'maxlength': 10, 'class': 'amount form-control enter-mod'}) ) class Meta: model = Transaction fields = ('account', 'detail', 'amount', 'event',) widgets = { 'account': forms.Select( attrs={'class': 'account account-autocomplete ' 'form-control enter-mod'}), 'detail': forms.TextInput( attrs={'class': 'form-control enter-mod'}), 'event': forms.Select( attrs={'class': 'form-control enter-mod'}), } def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(BankTransactionForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) _set_minimal_queryset_for_account(self, 'account') self._assign_balance_delta_to_amount_field()
[docs] def clean(self): """Set the ``balance_delta`` to the entered ``amount``.""" super(BankTransactionForm, self).clean() if any(self.errors): return self.cleaned_data cleaned_data = self.cleaned_data # TODO: Can we use balance_delta instead of also creating an amount? cleaned_data['balance_delta'] = cleaned_data.get('amount') return cleaned_data
def _assign_balance_delta_to_amount_field(self): """ If the instance has a balance_delta, set the amount field to it's absolute value. """ balance_delta = self.instance.balance_delta if balance_delta is not None: self.initial['amount'] = remove_trailing_zeroes( abs(balance_delta) )
[docs]class BaseBankTransactionFormSet(forms.models.BaseInlineFormSet): """An InlineFormSet used to validate it's form's amounts balance with the ``self.entry_form``'s amount. .. note:: The ``self.entry_form`` attribute must be set by the view instantiating this form. """
[docs] def clean(self): """Checks that the Transactions' amounts balance the Entry's amount.""" super(BaseBankTransactionFormSet, self).clean() if any(self.errors): return getattr(self, 'cleaned_data', None) balance = abs(self.entry_form.cleaned_data.get('amount')) for form in self.forms: if form.cleaned_data.get('DELETE'): continue balance -= abs(form.cleaned_data.get('amount', 0)) if balance != 0: raise forms.ValidationError("The Entry Amount must equal the " "total Transaction Amount.") #: A FormSet of :class:`Transactions<.models.Transaction>` for use with #: :class:`BankSpendingEntries<.models.BankSpendingEntry>`, derived from the #: :class:`BaseBankTransactionFormSet`.
BankSpendingTransactionFormSet = inlineformset_factory( BankSpendingEntry, Transaction, form=BankTransactionForm, formset=BaseBankTransactionFormSet, extra=5, can_delete=True) #: A FormSet of :class:`Transactions<.models.Transaction>` for use with #: :class:`BankReceivingEntries<.models.BankReceivingEntry>`, derived from the #: :class:`BaseBankTransactionFormSet`. BankReceivingTransactionFormSet = inlineformset_factory( BankReceivingEntry, Transaction, form=BankTransactionForm, formset=BaseBankTransactionFormSet, extra=5, can_delete=True)