Source code for entries.models

from caching.base import CachingMixin, CachingManager, cached_method
from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
from django.db import models
from django.utils import timezone

from fiscalyears.fiscalyears import get_start_of_current_fiscal_year

from .managers import TransactionManager

[docs]class BaseJournalEntry(CachingMixin, models.Model): """ Journal Entries group :class:`Transactions<entries.models.Transaction>` by discrete points in time. For example, a set of transfers, a check being deposited, stipends being paid. Journal Entries ensure that :class:`Transactions<Transaction>` are balanced, that there is an equal amount of credits for every debit. .. note:: This class is an abstract class to prevent multi-table inheritance. .. seealso:: Module :mod:`entries.views` Views related to showing, creating and editing Entries. .. attribute:: date The date the entry occured. .. attribute:: memo A short description of the Entry. .. attribute:: comments Any additional comments about the Entry. .. attribute:: created_at The date and time the Entry was created. .. attribute:: updated_at The date and time the Entry was last updated. Defaults to :attr:`created_at`. """ date = models.DateField(db_index=True) created_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True, updated_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True, memo = models.CharField(max_length=60) comments = models.TextField(blank=True, null=True) objects = CachingManager() class Meta: abstract = True ordering = ['date', 'id'] verbose_name_plural = "journal entries" def __unicode__(self): return self.memo
[docs] def get_absolute_url(self): """Return a link to the Entry's detail page.""" return reverse('entries.views.show_journal_entry', args=[str(])
[docs] def get_edit_url(self): """Return an edit link to the Entry's edit page.""" return reverse('entries.views.add_journal_entry', args=[str(])
[docs] def get_number(self): """Return the number of the Entry.""" return "GJ#{0:06d}".format(
[docs] def in_fiscal_year(self): """ Determines whether the :attr:`` is in the current :class:`~fiscalyears.models.FiscalYear`. Returns True if there is no current :class:`~fiscalyears.models.FiscalYear`. :returns: Whether or not the :attr:`date` is in the current :class:`~fiscalyears.models.FiscalYear`. :rtype: bool """ current_year_start = get_start_of_current_fiscal_year() if current_year_start is not None and current_year_start > return False return True
[docs]class JournalEntry(BaseJournalEntry): """A concrete class of the :class:`BaseJournalEntry` model.""" objects = CachingManager()
[docs] def save(self, *args, **kwargs): """Save all related :class:`Transactions<Transaction>` after saving.""" self.full_clean() super(JournalEntry, self).save(*args, **kwargs) for transaction in self.transaction_set.all():
[docs]class BankSpendingEntry(BaseJournalEntry): """ Holds information about a Check or ACH payment for a Bank :class:`~accounts.models.Account`. The :attr:`main_transaction` is linked to the Bank :class:`~accounts.models.Account`. Bank Spending Entries credit the Bank :class:`~accounts.models.Account` (via the :attr:`main_transaction`) while debiting all related :class:`Transactions<Transaction>`. .. attribute:: check_number The number of the Check, if applicable. An ACH Payment should have no :attr:`check_number` and :attr:`ach_payment` value of ``True`` will cause the :attr:`check_number` to be set to ``None``. This value must be unique with respect to the :attr:`main_transaction's<main_transaction>` :class:`account<accounts.models.Account>` attribute. .. attribute:: ach_payment A boolean representing if this :class:`BankSpendingEntry` is an ACH Payment or not. If this is ``True`` the :attr:`check_number` will be set to ``None``. .. attribute:: payee An optional Payee for the :class:`BankSpendingEntry`. .. attribute:: void A boolean representing whether this :class:`BankSpendingEntry` is void. If this value switches from ``False`` to ``True``, all of this :class:`BankSpendingEntry's<BankSpendingEntry>` :class:`Transactions<Transaction>` will be deleted and it's :attr:`main_transaction` will have it's :attr:`~Transaction.balance_delta` set to ``0``. Switching void back to ``False`` will simply allow transactions to be saved again, it will not recreate any previouse :class:`Transactions<Transaction>`. .. attribute:: main_transaction The :class:`Transaction` that links this :class:`BankSpendingEntry` with it's Bank :class:`~accounts.models.Account`. """ # TODO: Change check number to Integer field? Ensure never set to ###ACH### check_number = models.CharField(max_length=10, blank=True, null=True) ach_payment = models.BooleanField(default=False, help_text="Invalidates Check Number") payee = models.CharField(max_length=50, blank=True, null=True) void = models.BooleanField(default=False, help_text="Refunds Associated Transactions.") main_transaction = models.OneToOneField('Transaction') objects = CachingManager() class Meta: verbose_name_plural = "bank spending entries" def __unicode__(self): return"%d/%m/%y") + " " + self.memo
[docs] def get_absolute_url(self): """Return a link to the Entry's detail page.""" return reverse('entries.views.show_bank_entry', kwargs={'entry_id': str(, 'journal_type': 'CD'})
[docs] def get_edit_url(self): """Return the Entry's edit URL.""" return reverse('entries.views.add_bank_entry', args=['CD', str(])
[docs] def save(self, *args, **kwargs): """Delete related Transactions if void, update Transaction dates.""" # TODO: Should we move this to the base class? self.full_clean() if self.void: [transaction.delete() for transaction in self.transaction_set.all()] self.main_transaction.balance_delta = 0 if "VOID" not in self.memo: self.memo += " VOID" = super(BankSpendingEntry, self).save(*args, **kwargs) for transaction in self.transaction_set.all():
[docs] def clean(self): """ Only a :attr:`check_number` or an :attr:`ach_payment` must be entered, not both. The :attr:`check_number` must be unique per :attr:`BankSpendingEntry.main_transaction` :attr:`Account<Transaction.account>`. """ if not (bool(self.ach_payment) ^ bool(self.check_number)): raise ValidationError('Either A Check Number or ACH status is ' 'required.') super(BankSpendingEntry, self).clean()
[docs] def get_number(self): """Return the formatted :attr:`check_number` or ``##ACH##``.""" if self.ach_payment: return "##ACH##" else: return "CD#{0:06d}".format(int(self.check_number))
[docs]class BankReceivingEntry(BaseJournalEntry): """ Holds information about receiving money for a Bank :class:`~accounts.models.Account`. The :attr:`main_transaction` is linked to the Bank :class:`~accounts.models.Account`. Bank Receiving Entries debit the Bank :class:`~accounts.models.Account` (via the :attr:`main_transaction`) while crediting all related :class:`Transactions<Transaction>`. .. attribute:: payor The Person or Company making the payment. .. attribute:: main_transaction The :class:`Transaction` that links this :class:`BankSpendingEntry` with it's Bank :class:`~accounts.models.Account`. """ payor = models.CharField(max_length=50) main_transaction = models.OneToOneField('Transaction') objects = CachingManager() class Meta: verbose_name_plural = "bank receiving entries" def __unicode__(self): return self.memo
[docs] def get_absolute_url(self): """Return the Entry's detail page.""" return reverse('entries.views.show_bank_entry', kwargs={'entry_id': str(, 'journal_type': 'CR'})
[docs] def get_edit_url(self): """Return the Entry's edit page.""" return reverse('entries.views.add_bank_entry', args=['CR', str(])
[docs] def save(self, *args, **kwargs): """Set the date's of all related :class:`Transactions<Transaction>`.""" self.full_clean() = super(BankReceivingEntry, self).save(*args, **kwargs) for transaction in self.transaction_set.all(): =
[docs] def get_number(self): """Return the Entry's formatted number.""" return "CR#{0:06d}".format(
[docs]class Transaction(CachingMixin, models.Model): """ Transactions itemize :class:`~accounts.models.Account` balance changes. Transactions are grouped by Entries and :class:`Events<events.models.Event>`. Entries group :class:`Transactions<Transaction>` by date while :class:`Events<events.models.Event>` group by specific events. Transactons can be related to Entries through the :attr:`journal_entry`, :attr:`bankspend_entry` or :attr:`bankreceive_entry` attributes, or through the ``main_transaction`` attribute of the :class:`BankReceivingEntry` or :class:`BankSpendingEntry` models. Transactions may only be related to Entries through one of these ways, never multiple ones. .. attribute:: journal_entry The :class:`JournalEntry` this :class:`Transaction` belongs to, if any. .. attribute:: bankspend_entry The :class:`BankSpendingEntry` this :class:`Transaction` belongs to, if any. .. attribute:: bankreceive_entry The :class:`BankReceivingEntry` this :class:`Transaction` belongs to, if any. .. attribute:: account The :class:`~accounts.models.Account` this :class:`Transaction` is charged to. .. attribute:: detail Information about the specific charge. .. attribute:: balance_delta The change in balance this :class:`Transaction` represents. A positive value indicates a Credit while a negative value is a Debit. .. attribute:: event The :class:`~events.models.Event` this Transaction is related to, if any. .. attribute:: reconciled Whether or not this :class:`Transaction` has been marked as Reconciled. .. attribute:: date The :class:`` of the :class:`Transaction`. By default, this is automatically pulled from the related Entry when the :class:`Transaction` is saved. """ journal_entry = models.ForeignKey(JournalEntry, blank=True, null=True) bankspend_entry = models.ForeignKey(BankSpendingEntry, blank=True, null=True) bankreceive_entry = models.ForeignKey(BankReceivingEntry, blank=True, null=True) account = models.ForeignKey('accounts.Account', on_delete=models.PROTECT) detail = models.CharField(max_length=50, help_text="Short description of " "the charge", blank=True) balance_delta = models.DecimalField(help_text="Positive balance is a " "credit, negative is a debit", max_digits=19, decimal_places=4, db_index=True) event = models.ForeignKey('events.Event', blank=True, null=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL) reconciled = models.BooleanField(default=False) date = models.DateField(blank=True, null=True, db_index=True) objects = TransactionManager() class Meta: ordering = ['date', 'id'] def __unicode__(self): return self.detail
[docs] def save(self, pull_date=True, *args, **kwargs): """Pull the :attr:`date` from the related Entry before saving.""" self.full_clean() if self.get_journal_entry() and pull_date: = self.get_journal_entry().date super(Transaction, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def clean(self): """Prevent relations to a void :class:`BankSpendingEntry`.""" if self.bankspend_entry and self.bankspend_entry.void: raise ValidationError("You may not add new Transactions to a void " "Entry.")
[docs] def get_absolute_url(self): """Return a URL to the related Entry's detail page.""" return self.get_journal_entry().get_absolute_url()
[docs] def get_entry_number(self): """Return the related Entry's ``number``.""" return self.get_journal_entry().get_number()
[docs] def get_final_account_balance(self): """ Return the :class:`Account's<accounts.models.Account>` value balance after the Transaction has occured. This is accomplished by subtracting the :attr:`balance_delta` of all newer :class:`Transactions<Transaction> from the :class:`Account's<accounts.models.Account>` :attr:`~accounts.models.Account.balance`. .. note:: The value balance is not the same as credit/debit balance. For Assets, Liabilities and Equity Accounts, a debit balance means a positive value balance instead of the normal negative value balance. :returns: The :class:`Account's<accounts.models.Account>` post-transaction value balance. :rtype: :class:`~decimal.Decimal` """ acct_balance = self.account.balance # TODO: Refactor query + newer_transactions into manager method query = (models.Q( | (models.Q( & models.Q( newer_transactions = self.account.transaction_set.filter( query).aggregate(models.Sum('balance_delta')) acct_balance -= newer_transactions.get('balance_delta__sum') or 0 if self.account.flip_balance(): acct_balance *= -1 return acct_balance
[docs] def get_initial_account_balance(self): """Return the value balance of the :class:`~accounts.models.Account` from before the Transaction occured. :returns: The :class:`Account's<accounts.models.Account>` pre-transaction value balance. :rtype: :class:`~decimal.Decimal` """ final = self.get_final_account_balance() if self.account.flip_balance(): return final + self.balance_delta else: return final - self.balance_delta
[docs] def get_journal_entry(self): """Return the related Entry.""" if self.journal_entry: return self.journal_entry elif self.bankspend_entry: return self.bankspend_entry elif self.bankreceive_entry: return self.bankreceive_entry elif (hasattr(self, 'bankreceivingentry') and self.bankreceivingentry is not None): return self.bankreceivingentry elif (hasattr(self, 'bankspendingentry') and self.bankspendingentry is not None): return self.bankspendingentry
[docs] def get_memo(self): """Return the related Entry's ``memo``.""" return self.get_journal_entry().memo