Source code for reports.views

import datetime

from django.shortcuts import render

from accounts.models import Account, Header
from core.core import process_year_start_date_range_form
from events.models import Event, HistoricalEvent

[docs]def events_report(request, template_name="reports/events.html"): """Display all :class:`Events<events.models.Event>`. :param template_name: The template file to use to render the response. :type template_name: str :returns: HTTP Response with an ``events`` context variable. :rtype: HttpResponse """ events = Event.objects.all() historical_events = HistoricalEvent.objects.all() return render(request, template_name, locals())
[docs]def profit_loss_report(request, template_name="reports/profit_loss.html"): """ Display the Profit or Loss for a time period calculated using all Income and Expense :class:`Accounts<accounts.models.Account>`. The available ``GET`` parameters are ``start_date`` and ``stop_date``. They control the date range used for the calculations. This view is used to show the Total, Header and Account Net Changes over a specified date range. It uses the Net Changes to calculate various Profit amounts, passing them as context variables: * ``gross_profit``: Income - Cost of Goods Sold * ``operating_profit``: Gross Profit - Expenses * ``net_profit``: Operating Profit + Other Income - Other Expenses Also included is the ``headers`` dictionary which contains the ``income``, ``cost_of_goods_sold``, ``expenses``, ``other_income``, and ``other_expense`` keys. These keys point to the root node for the respective :attr:~accounts.models.BaseAccountModel.type`. These nodes have additional attributes appended to them, ``total``, ``accounts`` and ``descendants``. ``total`` represents the total Net Change for the node. ``accounts`` and ``descendants`` are lists of child nodes(also with a ``total`` attribute). :param template_name: The template file to use to render the response. :type template_name: str :returns: HTTP Response with the start/stop dates, ``headers`` dictionary and Profit Totals :rtype: HttpResponse """ form, start_date, stop_date = process_year_start_date_range_form(request) headers_and_types = _get_profit_loss_header_keys_and_types() headers = { header_key: _get_profit_loss_header_totals( header_type, start_date, stop_date) for (header_key, header_type) in headers_and_types} gross_profit, operating_profit, net_profit = _get_profit_totals(headers) return render(request, template_name, locals())
def _get_profit_loss_header_keys_and_types(): """Return a tuple of tuples containing a root header key and it's type.""" return (('income', 4), ('cost_of_goods_sold', 5), ('expenses', 6), ('other_income', 7), ('other_expenses', 8)) def _get_profit_loss_header_totals(header_type, start_date, stop_date): """ Return a root Header with the `descendants`, `accounts` and `total` attributes. The `descendants` attribute is a list of direct descendants, with their own `total` and `descendants` attributes. The `total` attribute should represent the net change of the Header or Account over the specified `start_date` and `stop_date`. """ root_header = Header.objects.get(parent=None, type=header_type) return _get_profit_loss_header(root_header, start_date, stop_date) def _get_profit_loss_header(header, start_date, stop_date): """ Return the `header` instance with additional attributes of accounts, descendants and total change for the time period. """ header.accounts = [ _get_profit_loss_account(account, start_date, stop_date) for account in header.account_set.all() ] if header.level < 2: header.descendants = [ _get_profit_loss_header(child, start_date, stop_date) for child in header.get_children()] = (sum( for account in header.accounts) + sum( for child in header.descendants)) else: descendants = header.get_descendants(include_self=True) accounts = [_get_profit_loss_account(account, start_date, stop_date) for descendant in descendants for account in descendant.account_set.all()] = sum( for account in accounts) return header def _get_profit_loss_account(account, start_date, stop_date): """ Return the `account` instance with an additional `total` attribute, containing the net change for the time period. """ in_range_transactions = account.transaction_set.filter( date__lte=stop_date, date__gte=start_date) _, _, net_change = in_range_transactions.get_totals(net_change=True) if account.flip_balance(): net_change *= -1 = net_change return account def _get_profit_totals(headers): """Calculate and return the Gross, Operating and Net Profits.""" gross_profit = (headers['income'].total - headers['cost_of_goods_sold'].total) operating_profit = gross_profit - headers['expenses'].total net_profit = (operating_profit + headers['other_income'].total - headers['other_expenses'].total) return (gross_profit, operating_profit, net_profit)
[docs]def trial_balance_report(request, template_name="reports/trial_balance.html"): """ Display the state and change of all :class:`Accounts <accounts.models.Account>` over a time period. The available ``GET`` parameters are ``start_date`` and ``stop_date``. The view also provides the ``start_date``, ``stop_date`` and ``accounts`` context variables. The ``start_date`` and ``stop_date`` variables default to the first day of the year and the current date. The ``accounts`` variable is a list of dictionaries, each representing an :class:`~accounts.models.Account`. Each dictionary contains the :class:`Account's<accounts.models.Account>` number, name, balance at the beginning and end of the date range, total debits and credits and the net change. :param template_name: The template file to use to render the response. :type template_name: str :returns: HTTP Response with start and stop dates and an ``accounts`` list. :rtype: HttpResponse """ form, start_date, stop_date = process_year_start_date_range_form(request) accounts = [_get_account_details(x, start_date, stop_date) for x in list(Account.objects.all().order_by('full_number'))] return render(request, template_name, {'start_date': start_date, 'stop_date': stop_date, 'accounts': accounts, 'form': form})
def _get_account_details(account, start_date, stop_date): """ Return the Name, Number, URL, Starting/Ending Balances, Net Change and Credit/Debit Totals of an :class:`~accounts.models.Account` in the specified range. :param account: The Account whose details should be retrieved. :type account: :class:`~accounts.models.Account` :param start_date: The date representing the first day of the time period. :type start_date: :class:`` :param stop_date: The date representing the last day of the time period. :type stop_date: :class:`` :returns: Account details and activity information :rtype: dict """ one_day = datetime.timedelta(days=1) start_balance = account.get_balance_by_date(start_date - one_day) end_balance = account.get_balance_by_date(stop_date) in_range_transactions = account.transaction_set.filter( date__gte=start_date, date__lte=stop_date) debit_total, credit_total, net_change = in_range_transactions.get_totals( net_change=True) return {'name':, 'number': account.get_full_number(), 'beginning_balance': start_balance, 'total_debits': debit_total, 'total_credits': credit_total, 'net_change': net_change, 'ending_balance': end_balance, 'url': account.get_absolute_url()}