Source code for accounts.views

import datetime

from dateutil import relativedelta
from django_ajax.decorators import ajax
from django.contrib import messages
from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
from django.db.models import Q, Max
from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect, Http404
from django.shortcuts import render, get_object_or_404

from core.core import (today_in_american_format,
from fiscalyears.fiscalyears import get_start_of_current_fiscal_year

from .forms import AccountReconcileForm, ReconcileTransactionFormSet
from .models import Account, Header, HistoricalAccount

[docs]def show_accounts_chart(request, header_slug=None, template_name="accounts/account_charts.html"): """Retrieves self and descendant Headers or all Headers""" if header_slug: header = get_object_or_404(Header, slug=header_slug) root_nodes = [header] else: root_nodes = Header.objects.filter(parent=None).order_by('type') for root_node in root_nodes: root_node.descendants = root_node.get_descendants( include_self=True).prefetch_related('account_set') return render(request, template_name, locals())
[docs]def show_account_detail(request, account_slug, template_name="accounts/account_detail.html"): """ Displays a list of :class:`Transaction` instances for the :class:`Account` with a :attr:`~Account.slug` equal to the ``account_slug`` parameter. The following ``GET`` parameters are accessible: * ``start_date`` - The starting date to filter the returned :class:`Transactions<Transaction>` by. * ``stop_date`` - The ending date to filter the returned :class:`Transactions<Transaction>` by. The ``start_date`` and ``stop_date`` variables default to the first day of the month and the current date. The view will provide ``start_balance``, ``end_balance``, ``transactions``, ``debit_total``, ``credit_total`` and ``net_change`` context variables. The :class:`Transactions<Transaction>` in the context variable ``transactions`` will have the running balance added to the instance through the ``final_balance`` attribute. If the provided ``start_date`` is before the start of the current :class:`~fiscalyears.models.FiscalYear`, the running balance and :class:`Transaction's<entries.models.Transaction>` ``final_balance`` will not be calculated. If there are no :class:`Transactions<entries.models.Transaction>` the ``start_balance`` and ``end_balance`` will both be set to the balance on the ``start_date`` :param account_slug: The :attr:`~accounts.models.Account.slug` of top \ :class:`Account` to retrieve. :type account_slug: str :param template_name: The template file to use to render the response. :type template_name: str :returns: HTTP Response with :class:`Transactions<Transaction>` and \ balance counters. :rtype: HttpResponse """ form, start_date, stop_date = process_year_start_date_range_form(request) account = get_object_or_404(Account, slug=account_slug) date_range_query = (Q(date__lte=stop_date) & Q(date__gte=start_date)) debit_total, credit_total, net_change = account.transaction_set.filter( date_range_query).get_totals(net_change=True) transactions = account.transaction_set.filter( date_range_query).select_related('journal_entry', 'bankspendingentry', 'bankspend_entry', 'bankreceivingentry', 'bankreceive_entry') current_fiscal_start_date = get_start_of_current_fiscal_year() show_balance = (current_fiscal_start_date is None or current_fiscal_start_date <= start_date) if not show_balance:, "The Balance counters are only available when " "the Start Date is in the current Fiscal Year (after " "{0})".format(current_fiscal_start_date.strftime( "%m/%d/%Y"))) if transactions.exists() and show_balance: start_balance = transactions[0].get_initial_account_balance() end_balance = start_balance # TODO: Use .get_totals() instead of looping through each for transaction in transactions: if account.flip_balance(): end_balance -= transaction.balance_delta else: end_balance += transaction.balance_delta transaction.final_balance = end_balance else: start_balance = end_balance = account.get_balance_by_date(start_date) return render(request, template_name, locals())
[docs]def show_account_history(request, month=None, year=None, template_name="accounts/account_history.html"): """ Displays a list of :class:`~accounts.models.HistoricalAccount` instances, grouped by the optional ``month`` and ``year``. By default a list of the instances from this month of last year will be returned. If those instances do not exist, the most recent month/year list will be displayed. If no instances of :class:`accounts.models.HistoricalAccount` exist, an empty string will be returned. The following ``GET`` parameters are accessible: * ``next`` - Use the next month relative to the passed ``month`` and ``year`` values. Redirects back to passed ``month`` and ``year`` if no Historical Accounts exist. * ``previous`` - Use the previous month relative to the passed ``month`` and ``year`` values. Redirects back to passed ``month`` and ``year`` if no Historical Accounts exist. :param month: The Month to select, usage requires a specified year. :type month: int :param year: The Year to select, usage requires a specified month. :type year: int :param template_name: The template to use. :type template_name: string :returns: HTTP context with a list of instances or empty string as \ ``accounts`` and a :class:`` as ``date`` :rtype: HttpResponse :raises Http404: if an invalid ``month`` or ``year`` is specified. """ # TODO: Display "No Account History For This Date." Instead of redirecting # or disable the next/previous buttons if there are none if 'next' in request.GET: datemod = datetime.timedelta(days=31) elif 'previous' in request.GET: datemod = datetime.timedelta(days=-1) else: datemod = datetime.timedelta(0) if month is None and year is None: today = last_year = today.year - 1 this_month_last_year =, today.month, 1) accounts = HistoricalAccount.objects.filter(date=this_month_last_year) max_date = HistoricalAccount.objects.aggregate( Max('date')).get('date__max') if accounts.exists(): month = today.month year = today.year - 1 elif max_date is not None: month = max_date.month year = max_date.year else: # TODO: No Account History Exists return render(request, template_name, {'accounts': ''}) try: date =, month=int(month), year=int(year)) + datemod except ValueError: raise Http404 accounts = HistoricalAccount.objects.filter(date__month=date.month, date__year=date.year) next_month = date + relativedelta.relativedelta(months=1) previous_month = date - relativedelta.relativedelta(months=1) has_next = HistoricalAccount.objects.filter( date__month=next_month.month, date__year=next_month.year).exists() has_previous = HistoricalAccount.objects.filter( date__month=previous_month.month, date__year=previous_month.year).exists() date_change = bool('next' in request.GET or 'previous' in request.GET) exists = accounts.exists() if date_change and exists: return HttpResponseRedirect( reverse('accounts.views.show_account_history', kwargs={'month': date.month, 'year': date.year})) elif exists: return render(request, template_name, {'accounts': accounts, 'date': date, 'has_next': has_next, 'has_previous': has_previous}) elif date_change: return HttpResponseRedirect( reverse('accounts.views.show_account_history', kwargs={'month': month, 'year': year})) else: # TODO: No Account History Exists return render(request, template_name, {'accounts': '', 'date': date})
def bank_journal(request, account_slug, template_name="accounts/bank_journal.html"): form, start_date, stop_date = process_month_start_date_range_form(request) account = get_object_or_404(Account, slug=account_slug, bank=True) # TODO: Refactor into Account method, get_bank_transactions_by_date() in_range_bank_query = ((Q(bankspendingentry__isnull=False) | Q(bankreceivingentry__isnull=False)) & (Q(date__lte=stop_date) & Q(date__gte=start_date))) transactions = account.transaction_set.filter( in_range_bank_query).select_related('journal_entry', 'bankspendingentry', 'bankspend_entry', 'bankreceivingentry', 'bankreceive_entry') return render(request, template_name, locals()) @login_required
[docs]def reconcile_account(request, account_slug, template_name="accounts/account_reconcile.html"): """Reconcile an Account against a Statement. This view presents a form to the user, allowing them to enter a ``Statement Balance`` and ``Statement Date``. Upon a ``GET`` request with valid data, the view will display all unreconciled :class:`Transactions<Transaction>` from before the entered ``Statement Date``. The user will then select which :class:`Transactions<Transaction>` to reconcile. If a balanced form is submit, the view will mark each marked :class:`Transaction` as reconciled. The user will then be redirected to the :class:`Account's<Account>` :func:`show_account_detail` view. :param account_slug: The slug of the :class:`Account` to reconcile. :type account_slug: str :param template_name: The template to use. :type template_name: str :returns: HTTP response containing :class:`AccountReconcileForm`, \ :class:`~accounts.forms.ReconcileTransactionFormSet`, the \ :class:`Account`, and the Reconciled Balance and Last \ Reconciled Date as context. Redirects if successful POST is sent. :rtype: HttpResponse or HttpResponseRedirect """ account = get_object_or_404(Account, slug=account_slug) last_reconciled = account.last_reconciled reconciled_balance = account.reconciled_balance if request.method == 'POST': if request.POST.get('submit') == 'Get Transactions': account_form = AccountReconcileForm(request.POST, prefix='account', instance=account) if account_form.is_valid(): stop_date = account_form.cleaned_data.get('statement_date') pre_statement_transactions = account.transaction_set.filter( reconciled=False).filter(date__lte=stop_date) transaction_formset = ReconcileTransactionFormSet( queryset=pre_statement_transactions) reconciled_balance *= (-1 if account.flip_balance() else 1) return render(request, template_name, {'account': account, 'reconciled_balance': reconciled_balance, 'last_reconciled': last_reconciled, 'account_form': account_form, 'transaction_formset': transaction_formset}) elif request.POST.get('submit') == 'Reconcile Transactions': account_form = AccountReconcileForm(request.POST, prefix='account', instance=account) transaction_formset = ReconcileTransactionFormSet(request.POST) if account_form.is_valid(): transaction_formset.reconciled_balance = reconciled_balance transaction_formset.account_form = account_form # Flip the reconciled balance for display in case of formset # error reconciled_balance *= (-1 if account.flip_balance() else 1) if transaction_formset.is_valid(): account.last_reconciled = account_form.cleaned_data.get( 'statement_date') account.reconciled_balance = account_form.cleaned_data.get( 'statement_balance') messages.success(request, "The account was reconciled.") return HttpResponseRedirect( reverse('accounts.views.show_account_detail', kwargs={'account_slug': account.slug})) else: stop_date = account_form.cleaned_data.get('statement_date') pre_statement_transactions = ( account.transaction_set.filter( reconciled=False).filter(date__lte=stop_date)) form_instances = set(form.instance for form in transaction_formset.forms) missing_transactions = (set(pre_statement_transactions) - form_instances) _ = [transaction_formset.add_form(instance) for instance in missing_transactions] else: raise Http404 else: reconciled_balance *= (-1 if account.flip_balance() else 1) if reconciled_balance == 0 and '-' in str(reconciled_balance): reconciled_balance *= -1 account_form = AccountReconcileForm( prefix='account', instance=account, initial={ 'statement_date': today_in_american_format(), 'statement_balance': remove_trailing_zeroes(reconciled_balance) }) return render(request, template_name, locals())
[docs]def accounts_query(request): """AJAX endpoint for querying Account Names & Descriptions. Returns an array of JSON objects that contain the GET parameter ``q`` in their ``name`` or ``description``. Each object has a ``text``, ``value`` & ``description`` property. Defaults to all :class:`~accounts.models.Account` if ``q`` is not present in the ``GET`` parameters. """ if 'q' in request.GET: q = request.GET['q'] accounts = Account.objects.filter( Q(name__icontains=q) | Q(description__icontains=q)) else: accounts = Account.objects.all() return [{'text':, 'description': account.description, 'value': } for account in accounts]