Source code for core.views

"""Abstract views used throughout the application."""
from django.contrib import messages
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect, Http404
from django.shortcuts import render, get_object_or_404

[docs]def list_entries(request, template_name, entry_class): """Return a response for listing all specified Entries.""" entries = entry_class.objects.all() return render(request, template_name, {'entries': entries})
[docs]def show_single_entry(request, entry_id, template_name, entry_class): """View single Entry, specified by id and class.""" entry = get_object_or_404(entry_class, pk=entry_id) return render(request, template_name, {'journal_entry': entry, 'transactions': entry.transaction_set.all()})
[docs]class AddApprovableEntryView(object): """A View for adding, editing, approving and deleting Approvable Entries To use this view, subclass it and set the following class attributes: * entry_class - The class of the Approvable Entry * entry_form_class - The class of the Entry's Form * transaction_formset_class - The class of the Entry's Transaction's FormSet * verbose_name - A user-friendly name for the Entry type * receipt_class - The class of the Entry's Receipts * receipt_entry_field - The field to access an Entry from a Receipt * list_entries_view - The view used to list all Entries(a string of the module-dotted path for use with reverse, e.g. ``trips.views.list_trip_entries``) * add_entry_view - The view used to add a new Entry * show_entry_view - The view used to show a single Entry. The Entry must have the following methods defined: * entry.get_number() - Produces a journal number like XX#000123 * entry.approve_entry() - Creates a JournalEntry, Transactions and Receipts from the Entry. Should not delete the Entry. * entry.get_next_entry() - Produces a Queryset of the Entries to fetch next, if any exist. The following instance variables are set during request processing: * entry - The model instance being created/modified. * entry_form - The bound form * transaction_formset - The bound formset """ entry_class = entry_form_class = transaction_formset_class = None verbose_name = receipt_class = list_entries_view = add_entry_view = None show_entry_view = None def __init__(self): """Set instance variables to None.""" self.entry = self.entry_form = self.transaction_formset = None
[docs] def render(self, request, entry_id, template_name): """Use the specified class attributes to render the view.""" assert None not in [ self.entry_class, self.entry_form_class, self.verbose_name, self.transaction_formset_class, self.receipt_class, self.list_entries_view, self.add_entry_view, self.show_entry_view, ], 'A required class attribute has not been set' self._initialize_entry(request, entry_id) if request.method == 'POST': return self._post(request, entry_id, template_name) else: return self._get(request, template_name)
def _initialize_entry(self, request, entry_id): """Fetch or create a new Entry of entry_class.""" if entry_id is not None: if not request.user.is_authenticated(): raise Http404 self.entry = get_object_or_404(self.entry_class, id=entry_id) else: self.entry = self.entry_class() def _get(self, request, template_name): """Handle a GET request.""" self._get_form_initialize(request) data = self._make_request_data() return render(request, template_name, data) def _get_form_initialize(self, request): """Initialize the forms during a POST request.""" self.entry_form = self.entry_form_class( prefix='entry', instance=self.entry) self.transaction_formset = self.transaction_formset_class( prefix='transaction', instance=self.entry) self.transaction_formset.entry_form = self.entry_form def _post(self, request, entry_id, template_name): """Handle a POST request.""" self._post_form_initialize(request) submision_type = ( request.POST.get('subbtn', request.POST.get('delete', '')).lower()) if any(t in submision_type for t in ['submit', 'approve']): if self._forms_valid(): self._post_form_save() if 'approve' in submision_type: return self._approve_and_redirect( request, 'next' in submision_type) if entry_id is None: messages.success( request, self._successful_submission_text()) else: messages.success( request, self._successful_edit_text()) return self._redirect(request, submision_type) elif 'delete' in submision_type and self.entry.delete() messages.success( request, 'The {} Entry was successfully deleted.'.format( self.verbose_name)) return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse(self.list_entries_view)) else: raise Http404 data = self._make_request_data() return render(request, template_name, data) def _post_form_initialize(self, request): """Initialize the forms during a POST request.""" self.entry_form = self.entry_form_class( request.POST, request.FILES, prefix='entry', instance=self.entry) self.transaction_formset = self.transaction_formset_class( request.POST, prefix='transaction', instance=self.entry) self.transaction_formset.entry_form = self.entry_form def _forms_valid(self): """Check if all forms are valid.""" return (self.entry_form.is_valid() and self.transaction_formset.is_valid()) def _post_form_save(self): """Save the forms and create any Receipts.""" self._create_receipts() def _create_receipts(self): """Create Receipts from the receipts field of the form.""" for receipt in self.entry_form.cleaned_data['receipts']: self.receipt_class.objects.create( **{self.receipt_entry_field: self.entry, 'receipt_file': receipt}) def _approve_and_redirect(self, request, redirect_to_next): """Approve the Entry and redirect to the proper page.""" journal_entry = self.entry.approve_entry() messages.success(request, ( "Approved the {} Entry & Created <a href='{}' " "target='_blank'>{}</a>.".format( self.verbose_name, journal_entry.get_absolute_url(), journal_entry.get_number()))) redirect_url = None if redirect_to_next: next_entry = self.entry.get_next_entry() if next_entry.exists(): redirect_url = reverse( self.add_entry_view, args=[str(next_entry[0].id)]) if redirect_url is None: redirect_url = reverse(self.list_entries_view) self.entry.delete() return HttpResponseRedirect(redirect_url) def _redirect(self, request, submision_type): """Redirect a Communard after submitting an Entry.""" if 'add more' in submision_type: if not self.entry.receipt_set.exists(): messages.warning( request, "You did not attach a receipt, you <b>must</b> print this " "page & submit it to Accounting along with a hardcopy of " "the receipt.") return HttpResponseRedirect( reverse(self.show_entry_view, args=[str(])) return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse(self.add_entry_view)) elif 'next' in submision_type: next_entry = self.entry.get_next_entry() if next_entry.exists(): return HttpResponseRedirect( reverse(self.add_entry_view, kwargs={'entry_id': next_entry[0].id})) else: return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse(self.list_entries_view)) return HttpResponseRedirect( reverse(self.show_entry_view, kwargs={'entry_id':})) def _successful_submission_text(self): """Generate message text for a successful initial entry submission.""" message_text = ('Your {} Entry has been successfully submitted for ' 'Approval.'.format(self.verbose_name)) if not self.entry_form.instance.receipt_set.exists(): message_text += ( " Since you did not attach a receipt, <b>you must print this " "page</b>, staple your receipts to it and submit the paper " "copies to Accounting.") return message_text def _successful_edit_text(self): """Generate message text for a successful entry update.""" return "Modified Entry <a href='{}' target='_blank'>{}</a>.".format( self.entry.get_absolute_url(), self.entry.get_number()) def _make_request_data(self): """Create the context data for the template.""" return {'entry_form': self.entry_form, 'transaction_formset': self.transaction_formset, 'verbose_entry_type': '{} Entry'.format(self.verbose_name)}